“Flipped” Classes

I see education articles about teachers now uploading their lectures so they have more time to discuss in class and engage students. They call these ‘flipped’ classes and go to conferences to tout their innovation.

I’ve been doing this for 15 years. But they’re shaped not flipped.

DANGER! Dogs in Hot Cars

Every day this summer, once again, are reports of dogs dying when they are left in hot cars. In fact, there have been two incidents of K9 Dogs dying, betrayed by their own partners–the very cops rescuers are told to call when they see dogs in distress.

You need to know that leaving a companion animal alone in a parked car, especially in warm to hot weather, is animal cruelty in many states. You also need to know how quickly your precious dog might die while you run errands–just because you hated to leave Sparky at home. 

When the temperature outside is in the high 70’s and 80’s (much less the 90’s), a parked car quickly becomes unbearably hot inside within minutes–even in the shade and even with the windows left open a few inches. If the car is parked in the sun, the inside temperature can quickly reach 160 degrees. Leaving the air conditioner on in an idling car isn’t much help as it begins to labor and can shut down the engine. The dog could also knock the car into gear as he struggles to get out. As humane societies, law enforcement agencies, and local media constantly warn pet owners, in just 5 minutes, the temperature inside a car even with the windows cracked can reach 100 degrees or more. In just 10 minutes, the temperature inside a car can reach 120 degrees or more. The dog has a fur coat designed to retain heat, and he cannot sweat when he is overheated. As the inside temperature rises, the dog’s body temperature has also risen, and he may have just minutes to live. If not rescued, he will suffer heatstroke, leading to collapse, brain damage, and an agonizing death. 

Danger signals of overheating, whether from being in a parked car or from excessive exercise in heat and humidity are the following: Obvious distress, staggering, heavy panting to eventually struggling to breathe, excessive drooling, vomiting, glassy eyes, dark red to blue or purple gums and tongue, collapse, seizures, and coma. If your dog is suffering, apply the following first aid: Get him into the shade, pour cool (not cold) water on him or use cool towels to gradually lower body temperature. Give him cool water or ice cubes to lick. Rush him to your veterinarian immediately for a thorough examination.

Another reason not to leave dogs unattended in locked cars, even with the windows rolled down, is that they can jump out to look for the owner and be lost or worse.  Also, dogs have been stolen even from locked cars.  In general, it is stupid and cruel to leave dogs in cars especially in the summer but really at any time.

Generally, except for taking your dog on trips where he is welcome inside, do him a favor and leave him home. Never leave your dog alone in a parked car: you could be cited by the police and pay a fine.  Worse, you could lose your dog.

As a rescuer, if I see your dog in agony in your locked hot car, I will call 911, but if I think he is dying, I will break your window and free your dog, rendering first aid in trying to save him.  And I don’t want to hear one word from you about your damn window.